TAREA SEMANAL - Every week you must do one of the following activities. You must post a description each week by Friday at the beginning of class. After you do the activity, post (on your blog) in SPANISH a short description describing:
- which activity you did
- what you learned (new words, expressions, information, culture)
- if you liked the activity and why or why not
- what you had difficulty with
- NEW - Major League Baseball needs interpreters! Read this article and write about it.
- Moda - Los Colores de la Primavera 2015 - Look at the colors and watch the video here. Then do this worksheet. You do not have to understand everything the girl says, especially because at :45, you will see the color that she is talking about. There are also lots of pictures!
- Comida de Perú - Watch this video and take note of what you see. Then, scroll down on that page and look at the eight foods/drinks that are in the video. Look them up and write a description of what they are.
- !!Primavera!! - Canción - La Primavera (worksheet coming soon) OR Twiccionario de Primavera
- Like Instagram? Think of some #s in Spanish, look at the pictures and read what people write. Some good ones might be: #comida, #deporte, #descanso, and #trabajo.
- Nueva canción de Shakira y Maná. Watch this video and do this worksheet. You can write the answers on the worksheet, on a piece of paper, or on your blog.
- Look at the Facebook page for Inca Kola (a delicious soda that tastes kinda like bubble gum). Write about what you see and read. Is there anything you would like to try?
- Review this list of 12 "falsos amigos" (false cognates). When you write what you learned on your blog, write four original sentences with four of these words.
- Watch one of these scary short videos and fill out this worksheet (or just type the information on your blog):
- Alma
- “D”
- ¡Ataque de pánico!
- Flamingo
- Termonster
- Fuga
- El monstruo
- Santo contra los clones
- La triste, triste historia de un zombie triste
- El ladrón de caras
- Twiccionario - Read tweets on one of these worksheets. Some of my favorites:
- #SiMeGanaraLaLotería
- #QuieroUnNovioQue or #QuieroUnaNoviaQue
- Los videojuegos
- #SoyFelizPorque
- #EnLaFamiliaSiempreHay
- Watch a television show in Spanish (make sure it is school appropriate!). If you get in to the show, this could be an ongoing Tarea Semanal. Here are some places you can find good shows:
- Netflix - with subtitles in English.
- Hulu Latino - with subtitles in English.
- Atresplayer - from Spain - you will have to create an account for this, but it is free - some shows even have subtitles in Spanish.
- Like sports? Watch one of these 30 for 30 documentaries (in English):
- Play Trivia Crack in Spanish. Take screen shots of the questions you get and post them in your blog post. Answer at least 10 questions.
- Explore the Google Trends of the U.S. for 2014, Google Trends of México for 2014 and/or any other Spanish speaking country (España, Argentina, Colombia, etc.). Then, compare and contrast what you read.
- Review some house vocabulary and see some houses in Costa Rica or an apartment in Spain
- Watch this 20 minute segment of House Hunters (in English) and do this worksheet.
- Watch and listen to this song "Vendo mi casa cantando". Describe the apartment. Also, write 5 things that the singer sees as selling points. Try to write what he sings.
- Watch 10-15 minutes of an episode "100 Latinos Dijeron" (Family Feud en español) and write about what you see. Try to include the following information:
- where the families are from
- the question (it will be repeated A LOT) and answers (the ones they say an/or the ones that are shown on the board) for round #1 and round #2
- anything else that you hear
- Use Instagram? Do the #InstagramELE challenge (click here) for one week - post 7 fotos. Take a picture that represents the # for the date, write a caption and include two hashtags: the one that represents the # for the date and #jacobsesp. Let me know if you do this, I don't check the hashtag unless someone does this!
- Explore "Lista Mundial: Los mejores discos de 2013". Read the descriptions (lots of good adjectives there) and listen to at least 4 songs. (You can even download some of the songs here.)
- Use Twitter to do the following:
- Tweet in Spanish once a day for a week. You can tweet about anything, as long as it is appropriate and in Spanish. Obviously, you cannot tweet something like "hola, me gusta la clase de español."
- Use the hashtag #jacobsesp. I will follow that hashtag and will see only those tweets from you.
- Follow some Spanish speaking people (musicians, sports figures, news channels, etc.)
- Retweet a Spanish speaker that you follow. Make sure you "edit" the RT and include the hashtag. Otherwise, I won't see it.
- Respond to anyone who tweets back to you in Spanish. (probably me or your classmates)
- Like and use Pinterest? Change your setting to español and explore for an hour OR check out some of these tableros (focus on the ones related to Spanish, obviously :) )
- Watch one of the 1 minute videos from "6 grados de separación: México conectado con el mundo". Write a summary and include some images.
- Tumblr - Look at some of the Memes en Español (click here) or here or here. Answer the questions for three of the memes. Look under the pictures to find the questions. Post the answers and a picture of the memes on your blog.
- Look through these videos, read the questions, choose a few that interest you and listen to three of these videos and write a summary about what you heard.
- "Like" this Facebook page: 1001 Reasons to learn Spanish . Read some of the posts throughout the week and write about some of the ones that interested you the most. Try to link pictures and/or links.
- Explore Twitter Trends Map. Focus on the Spanish speaking countries. Read some of the popular #s or @ people and write about what you see.
- Listen to Spanish-language radio (Pandora or batanga) for one hour (music) or 30 minutes (talk).
- Do a cloze activity (fill in the blanks) for one of the songs here
- Play a video game in Spanish for one hour.
- Read and listen to an article on Veinte Mundos.
- Watch a Spanish telenovela for one hour.
- Watch MTVTres for one hour
- Change your facebook language to Spanish and play on Facebook for an hour.
- Read a Spanish-language magazine for 30 minutes (may be online). Suggestions:
- Read/listen to Spanish news on line. Suggestions:
- Play on one or more corporate Spanish-language websites for 45 minutes, such as:
- Read a book in Spanish for 30 minutes
- Read 3 familiar chapters of the Bible in Spanish.
- Change your cell phone or mp3 player’s language to Spanish for an entire week.
- Read the directions in Spanish of seven items in your house (e.g. detergent).
- Read the last 50 tweets using a Twitter hashtag (#) for a Latin-American country or city. Make sure you Twitter settings are to Spanish for this.
- Read the last 30 tweets using a Twitter hashtag and a word in Spanish. Make sure you Twitter settings are to Spanish for this.
- Read the last 30 Spanish-language tweets by one or more Spanish-speaking artists or politicians on Twitter, such as Natalia Lafourcade, Juanes, Chocquibtown or Julieta Venegas. Make sure you Twitter settings are to Spanish for this.
- Read an article about a famous Latino musician or politician in Spanish on Wikipedia.
- Watch 3 videoclips on sports and 3 videoclips on current news on Univisión.
- Compile a list of 30 words involving the profession you hope to have, on 3×5 cards for your review.
- Explore the Spanish-language section of Barnes & Noble (music, kids’ books, and/or adult books) for 30 minutes and find two things you would like to own.
- Listen to a sermon (at least 20 minutes) in Spanish (see oneplace.com).
- Conversar (o ‘chatear’) en español con alguien por 30 minutos.
- Explore iTunes Latino store and iTunes essentials for 30 minutes & find 2 albums or 5 songs you would like to own.
- Using post-it notes, post-it 10 items in your house that you don’t know the word for and leave it there for a week, then report to me from memory what all the items were.
- Complete a song on lyricstraining.com. and bring me the results.
- Go to a Latino restaurant and using your phone, or flipvideo camera, record the meal/food/decorations with your commentary in Spanish.
- Do one of these movie related activities.
- Present tense verb conjugation practice AND art work. View a description and sample here. Ask teacher for a worksheet to do.
- Do one of the activities having to do with commercials in Spanish here.
- Find a commercial in Spanish. Transcribe it and email it to me with a link. If it is good, I will use it for class (ours or a Spanish 1 or 2 class).
- Watch a movie in Spanish. Write a short summary.
- Choose a Spanish speaking place that you would like to investigate. Find a hotel, what type of activities you could do there, and what you could see there. Share links to the information you find.
- Study some previously learned vocabulary and/or grammar that you think you need.
- Find a famous work of art by a Spanish speaking artist. Post a picture of it. Write 4-6 sentences describing what you see and a 4-6 sentences about the artist.
- Have another idea/suggestion? Please see me OR email me kjacobs@govwentworth.k12.nh.us OR tweet me for approval before completing it.
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