
Tarea Diaria (Daily Homework) 2017

miércoles, el veinitcinco de enero

  1. Here is the Infografía for the Final Exam.

martes, el veinticuatro de enero
  1. IN CLASS: Check your infografía answers here. Highlight anything that you think is imporrant. It may come up on the final exam.
  2. AT HOME: 
    1. Go over all of your unit notes.
    2. Review pages 6-9 of the  review packet. Maybe even do them again! Those questions are very similar to the Final Exam.
    3. Review pages 3-5 and the infografía. Those pages are very similar to the Final Exam.
    4. Do one your classmates' online activities  (should be more to come):
      1. Quizlet with lots of vocab (Hunter)
      2. Quizlet with vocab (Sam)
      3. Kahoot (Sarah B.)
      4. Quizlet (Ella)
      5. Quizlet (Juliana0

lunes, el veintidós de enero
  1. Finish pages 3-5. Here is the infografía (you will have zoom in and move it around to see it well) .See the rubrics on page 10 and 11 for how you will be graded for those sections.  We will review these pages on Tuesday.
    1. Note: The Presentational Writing (p. 5) should be a reaction (what you think, if you agree, disagree, have experienced any of that, etc.) using words, expressions, and information from the infografía!
  2.  Make a review Kahoot, a Quizlet, and/or a Quizizz with 15 questions about vocabulary, grammar, translations and/or culture.
  3. Tomorrow in class, you will do the Interpretive Listening section of the test.
  4. Highly recommended: Review pages 6-9 of the  review packet. Maybe even do them again! Those questions are very similar to the Final Exam.
viernes, el diecinueve de enero
  1. Review for the final! Look over (and finish if you haven't already) you review notes for each chapter. 
    1. Due Tuesday (we will use these in class): Make a Kahoot, a Quizlet, and/or a Quizizz with vocabulary, grammar, translations and/or culture.
  2. Work on pages 6-9 of the review packet. We will review these pages on Monday.
  3. Here is the infografía (you will have zoom in and move it around to see it well) for practice Interpretive Reading and Presentational writing sections of the review packet (pages 3-5). See the rubrics on page 10 and 11 for how you will be graded for those sections.  We will review these pages on Tuesday.
  4. In class on Monday, we will do the practice Interpretive Listening section of the review sheet (pages 1-2), so skip those pages. On Tuesday, you will do the Interpretive Listening section of the final exam.
jueves, el dieciocho de enero
  1. Continue to review chapters for the Final Exam. Do the following for another chapter:
    1. Write the title of the unit.
    2. Write a brief summary (2-4 sentences) of the story and/or stories that were in the unit. 
    3. Write 10-15 important and/or useful words and/or phrases from the unit.
    4. If there was a grammatical focus, write about that.
    5. Note any cultural Products, Practices, and/or Perspectives that you learned about
    6. Write if you liked the unit and why or why not.
  2. These are the units that we did:
    1. Robarte un beso
    2. En las noticias: Un acto heroico
    3. Un accidente
    4. La Bicicleta
    5. Día de los Muertos (not really a unit, so you can write less about this one)
    6. El Entretenimiento
    7. ¿Cómo se prepara la comida?
    8. Un Viaje...

martes, el dieciséis de enero
  1. Practice and prepare for your presentation tomorrow. Remember that you should not rely heavily on your notes.
  2. If there is a Blizzard Bag day tomorrow, here is what you will do.

viernes, el doce de enero
  1. In class on Tuesday you will practice your presentation.
  2. In class on Wednesday, all groups will present.

jueves, el once de enero
  1. At Home and/or in TASC: Work on your project! See below for deadlines. This is ongoing and you need to work outside of class.
  2. Schedule for the week:
    1. Ongoing all week - Proyecto - All of  you answers should be in complete sentences as you would say them 
      1. CHANGE ------> Questions 3-6 and 9 - due at end of class on Friday 
      2. Slideshow Presentation and decision about who will say what - due at end of class on Friday
      3. CHANGE ------> Trips will presented to the class next Wednesday.  You will have time to practice on Tuesday in class.
miercoles, el diez de enero
  1. In Class: Go to this Flipgrid and say your summary. Password: jacobsesp3
  2. At Home and/or in TASC: Prepare for your  Examen Escrito tomorrow. You can have an outline in English, but all of the vocabulary has to come from your brain. Suggested: do some Quizlet Practice to get the structures/vocabulary in your brain more:
    1. Basic vocabulario from the story
    2. Quizlet Practice - primera parte
    3. Quizlet Practice - segunda parte
    4. Quizlet Practice - toda la historia - preguntas de compresion
  3. At Home and/or in TASC: Work on your project! See below for deadlines. This is ongoing and you need to work outside of class.
  4. Schedule for the week:
    1. Tuesday - Quiz - Listen and Identify the picture and Cierto/Falso
    2. Wednesday - Examen Oral - Retell a summary of the Internacionales story
    3. Thursday - Examen Escrito - Write a summary (longer than your speaking part) of the story with a twist OR Write a new story that incorporates the newly acquired vocabulary from the Internacionales story.
    4. Ongoing all week - Proyecto - All of  you answers should be in complete sentences as you would say them 
      1. Questions 1-2 - due at the end of class on Tuesday
      2. Questions 7-8 - due at end of class on Wednesday
      3. Questions 3-4 - due at end of class on Thursday
      4. Questions 5-6 - due at end of class on Friday 
      5. Slideshow Presentation and decision about who will say what - due at end of class on Friday
      6. Trips will presented to the class next Tuesday and Wednesday, so you will have to practice over the weekend.
martes, el nueve de enero
  1. Use your drawings and/or key words to practice and prepare for your summary retell (on Flipgrid) of the Internacionales story. You are doing this tomorrow.
  2. Work on your project! See below for deadlines. This is ongoing.
  3. Schedule for the week:
    1. Tuesday - Quiz - Listen and Identify the picture and Cierto/Falso
    2. Wednesday - Examen Oral - Retell a summary of the Internacionales story
    3. Thursday - Examen Escrito - Write a summary (longer than your speaking part) of the story with a twist OR Write a new story that incorporates the newly acquired vocabulary from the Internacionales story.
    4. Ongoing all week - Proyecto - All of  you answers should be in complete sentences as you would say them 
      1. Questions 1-2 - due at the end of class on Tuesday
      2. Questions 7-8 - due at end of class on Wednesday
      3. Questions 3-4 - due at end of class on Thursday
      4. Questions 5-6 - due at end of class on Friday 
      5. Slideshow Presentation and decision about who will say what - due at end of class on Friday
      6. Trips will presented to the class next Tuesday and Wednesday, so you will have to practice over the weekend.

lunes, el ocho de enero
  1. Review the Internacionales story and prepare for the Prueba tomorrow. 
  2. Work on your project! See below for deadlines.
  3. Practice and prepare your drawings and/or words for you summary retell - Examen Oral  - of the Internacionales story.
  4. Schedule for the week:
    1. Tuesday - Quiz - Listen and Identify the picture and Cierto/Falso
    2. Wednesday - Examen Oral - Retell a summary of the Internacionales story
    3. Thursday - Examen Escrito - Write a summary (longer than your speaking part) of the story with a twist OR Write a new story that incorporates the newly acquired vocabulary from the Internacionales story.
    4. Ongoing all week - Proyecto - All of  you answers should be in complete sentences as you would say them 
      1. Questions 1-2 - due at the end of class on Tuesday
      2. Questions 7-8 - due at end of class on Wednesday
      3. Questions 3-4 - due at end of class on Thursday
      4. Questions 5-6 - due at end of class on Friday 
      5. Slideshow Presentation and decision about who will say what - due at end of class on Friday
      6. Trips will presented to the class next Tuesday and Wednesday, so you will have to practice over the weekend.

viernes, el cinco de enero
  1. If you didn't do the Blizzard Bag, do it now and this work will be homework.
  2. Check the answers to yesterday's Blizzard Bag (pages 14-16) here.
  3. YOU CAN DO THIS MORE THAN ONCE AND I WILL TAKE YOUR BEST GRADE - --Do this Quizziz Code = 668774 (new code)  It is due Monday, so if you want to work on your trip planning, you can do that first.
  4. Start investigating for your trip project! ONE PERSON should go to Google classroom. That is where you will have your doc and your presentation.
      1. Only one person (choose that person now) in the group needs to go Google Classroom and open the doc.
      2. That one person in the group will be the owner of the doc and presentation. That person will share the doc and presentation with the group members and all work will be done and check in that doc and presentation.
      3. So, some of you won't access it in Google Classroom, but rather through your Drive when the main person shares it with you.
  5. HOMEWORK: Use slides 48-51 in the slideshow (must be logged in to govwentworth account to view it) and practice saying your retell. Remember it is a summary of the story, so you don't have to say the entire story. Make sure you use the vocabulario on page 7!
    1. Draw the pictures OR make a doc an put pictures from the slideshow to help with your retell. You can also write 10 key words to help you. This will be on Tuesday.
    2. Look at the rubric (click here) for this examen oral to see what it expected.

jueves, el cuatro de enero

  1. Click here for Blizzard Bag.

miercoles, el tres de enero
  1. Do pages 8-11. SAY it out loud and answer all of the questions with complete sentences.
  2. Extra practice to help you prepare for the speaking and writing test next week;
    1. Watch the video!
    2. Use slides 48-51 in the presentation (must be logged in to govwentworth account to view it) and practice saying your retell. Make sure you use the vocabulary on page 7!
    3. Quizlet Practice - primera parte
    4. Quizlet Practice - segunda parte
    5. Quizlet Practice - toda la historia - preguntas de compresion

martes, el dos de enero
  1. Rewrite the vocabulary on page 7.
  2. Write 10 sentences using the new vocabulary on page 7.
  3. Start to investigate where you want to plan your trip! Use this site: Lonely Planet.
  4. For planning purposes:
    1. The pruebita - listen and identify pics of the Internacionales story --- will be Friday.
    2. The examen oral - re-tell of the Internacionales story ---- will be next Tuesday.
    3. The examen escrito - re-write of the Internacionales story with a TWIST or a new and original story that incoporates the newly acquired vocab from the story --- will be next Wednesday.
    4. Planning for the trip will take place next week and trips be pitched to the class the week of 1/16/17

Schedule for the week of el dieciocho de diciembre
  1. Due Tuesday - The bottom of page 16, 17 and 18. Watch this video: My Five Favorite Spanish Dishes
  2. Classwork - Due at end of class on Tuesday - Your script for your Receta Video
  3. Classwork and Homework - Due Wednesday - Tasty Recetas or Bien Tasty- p. 19-21. Remember, this should help you to prepare for your Receta Video.
  4. Homework - Due Wednesday - Review notes on pages 10-11 and do pages 12-13.
  5. Classwork and Homework - Due Thursday (you will have time in class on Wednesday, but you may want to use TASC as well) -----> Video Receta (50 point test) - It needs to be filmed and viewable for the class. That means it has to be uploaded to Drive or YouTube (not on a device). You can also put it on Flipgrid (here).
  6. Classwork and Homework - Due Thursday - p. 23-25
  7. Classwork and Homework - Due Friday - p. 26-28
  8. Friday in class - Comparacion Cultural (50 point test) - See here for assignment and rubric.

viernes, el quince de diciembre
  1. DUE TUESDAY - Watch this Dreaming Spanish video: My Five Favorite Spanish Dishes and do the bottom of 16 y 17.
  2. Investigate your foods. The first thing you should do is do a Google Image search!! Then, write a description of food. Include the following:
    1. where the food is from
    2. when it is eaten (breakfast, lunch, dinner, both, dessert)
    3. los ingredientes (you do not  need to write the amount of each ingredient)
    4. how it is cooked
    5. if you would like to eat it and why or why not

jueves, el catorce de diciembre
  1. Study the vocabulary. Use this Quizlet to help you. There will be a quiz tomorrow. I will say a definition/clue for a word and you will write the word. There will be word bank.
  2. Do pages the bottom of page 15-16. Click here to see the video: "Tapas"
miercoles, el trece de diciembre
  1. Study the vocabulary. There will be a quiz on Friday. I will say a definition/clue for a word and you will write the word. There will be word bank.
  2. Do pages 14-15. Click here to see the video for those pages.

lunes, el once de diciembre
  1. Create a new vocabulary list. Choose 20 words from the list and do the following:
    1. Write the word in Spanish.
    2. Draw something to illustrate it.
    3. Write a definition/clue in Spanish to describe the word.
  2. Lupita's Taco Shop - Slideshow here
    1. Investigate your food.
    2. Put pictures of the food.
    3.  Write a short description of it (in Spanish!).

viernes, el ocho de diciembre

  1. Flipgrid!  (password: jacobsesp3)

jueves, el siete de diciembre
  1. Prepare for tomorrow´s test. Review sheet is here.
  2. Finish the Sr. Wooly nuggets.
miércoles el seis de diciembre
  1. Do the bottom of page 15 (which is actually on a separate piece of paper that I gave you today in class) for 1-2 shows. Make sure you have finished pages 14-15 - Univisón activity.
    1. Use this link for pages 14-15.
    2. Use this "Shows" link for the table that you have to fill out (extra handout).
  2. Finish the last Sr. Wooly five nuggets for La Dentista.
  3. Prepare for Friday's test. See review sheet.

martes, el cinco de diciembre

  1. Do pages 12-13 for this infografia: ¿Cómo vemos la tele?
  2. Finish the last Sr. Wooly five nuggets for La Dentista.
  3. Prepare for Friday's test. See review sheet.
lunes, el cuatro de diciembre
  1. Do pages 12-13 for this infografia: España y la tele
  2. Finish the last Sr. Wooly five nuggets for La Dentista.
  3. Prepare for Friday's test. See review sheet.

jueves, el treinta de noviembre
  1. IN CLASS ----Do the activities for at least one infografía on pages 12-13 ------>  here are the links:
    1. Mexicanos y los Medios
    2. España y la tele
    3. ¿Cómo vemos la tele?
  2. Due Friday - Five nuggets para "La Dentista". 
  3. Due Friday - Do this Edpuzzle (it is a 20 point quiz grade). Make sure you are logged in with your govwentworth account or it will not be counted!
miércoles, el veintinueve de noviembre
  1. Finish page 11
  2. Thursday- Quiz on verbs of emotion. Practice here.
  3. Due Friday - Five nuggets para "La Dentista". 
  4. Due Friday - Do this Edpuzzle (it is a 20 point quiz grade). Make sure you are logged in with your govwentworth account or it will not be counted!
  5. For the future ---- the activities for at least one infografía on pages 12-13 ------>  here are the links:
    1. Mexicanos y los Medios
    2. España y la tele
    3. ¿Cómo vemos la tele?
martes, el vientiocho de noviembre
  1. Due tomorrow - Look over the verbs of emotion and the pages that we did today. Write a vocabulary list or create a Quizlet that has different conjugations of those verbs in the preterite and present. It should contain 25 verbs. Examples: 
    1. se puso - s/he got/became
    2. te asustaste - you got scared
    3. nos volvemos locos - we go crazy
    4. se enfadaron - they got mad
    5. se enfadan - they get mad
  2. Friday - Quiz on verbs of emotion.
  3. Due Friday - Five nuggets para "La Dentista". 
  4. Due Friday - Do this Edpuzzle (it is a 20 point quiz grade). Make sure you are logged in with your govwentworth account or it will not be counted!
lunes, el veintisite de noviembre
  1. Finish the bottom of page 4 and top of page 5.
  2. Due Wednesday - Look over the verbs of emotion and the pages that we did today. Write a vocabulary list or create a Quizlet that has different conjugations of those verbs in the preterite and present. It should contain 25 verbs. Examples: 
    1. se puso - s/he got/became
    2. te asustaste - you got scared
    3. nos volvemos locos - we go crazy
    4. se enfadaron - they got mad
    5. se enfadan - they get mad
  3. Due Friday - Five nuggets para "La Dentista". 
  4. Due FridayDo this Edpuzzle (it is a 20 point quiz grade). Make sure you are logged in with your govwentworth account or it will not be counted!

martes, el veinituno de noviembre
  1. IN CLASS and/or AT HOME: Do this Edpuzzle (it is a 20 point quiz grade). Make sure you are logged in with your govwentworth account or it will not be counted!

lunes, el veintisiete de noviembre
  1. "La Dentista," Sr. Wooly, - First five nuggets are due this Friday. All nuggets are due next Friday
  2. Look over the verbs of emotion and the pages that we did today. Write a vocabulary list or create a Quizlet that has different conjugations of those verbs in the preterite and present. It should contain 25 verbs. Examples: 
    1. se puso - s/he got/became
    2. te asustaste - you got scared
    3. nos volvemos locos - we go crazy
    4. se enfadaron - they god mad
    5. se enfadan - they get mad

lunes, el veinte de noviembre
  1. Watch the best video from each group and vote for the one that you think was the best. Write if each person is pro or con and 3-5 reasons why. These are the videos you need to watch:
    1. Arumentive Speech Brian (AKA Gordito/Pablito, Brent/Sancho, Rian/Nacho)
    2. Alma 
    3. Marisol 
    4. Elena
    5. Ester 
    6. Flor B.
  2. Make sure you are logged in to your govwentworth account and then click here to cast your vote.
  3. Go over the Día de los Muertos notes that you took in class today. 
  4. Don´t forget the field trip form!!

viernes, el diecisiete de noviembre
  1. IN CLASS: Click here to get to the Flipgrid. Password is: jacobsesp3
  2. After you finish your examen oral, work on a Tarea Semanal (due Tuesday):
    1. Dreaming Spanish has some great, weird videos! Here are some examples: Supersitions, Spicy Chemical Attack (I have no idea what this about... but it sounds interesting)more Supersitions, and the tragic Mexican Legend "La Llorona"

jueves, el dieciséis de noviembre
  1. Prepare and practice (saying it out loud) for the examen oral (on Friday) on p. 24
  2. Also, there will be an Interpretive Reading assessment about La Ciclovía tomorrow, so review that with the sentences from the Running Dictation Activity and the Quizlet.
  3. Also, Tarea Semanal will be due on TUESDAY. Suggestion:
    1. Dreaming Spanish has some great, weird videos! Here are some examples: Supersitions, Spicy Chemical Attack (I have no idea what this about... but it sounds interesting)more Supersitions, and the tragic Mexican Legend "La Llorona"

miércoles, el quince de noviembre
    1. Do page 22. Here is the video.
    2. Write what you will say for the examen oral (on Friday) on p. 24. Remember: The sentences from the Running Dictation Activity and the Quizlet gave you the input that you need! 
    martes, el catorce de noviembre
    1. Review the important Ciclovía information with this Quizlet.
    2. Finish pages 20-21.
    3. Read page 24 and start to prepare some bullet points about what you will say. I will check notes tomorrow. The two above activities will give you the input that you need to output! 

    lunes, el trece de noviembre

    1. HOMEWORK: Finish pages 15-18
    2. Also, read page 24 so that you can start to think about the speaking test on Friday.

  1. miércoles, el ocho de noviembre
    1. Do the examen oral on this Flipgrid for tomorrow. (password is jacobsesp3)
    2. Finish page 12 and turn it in.
    3. Work on pages 14-18. These are due on Monday, 11/13/17.
    4. HOMEWORK: Finish pages 15-18
    martes, el siete de noviembre
    1. Prepare and practice for the speaking test (p. 14) tomorrow.
    2. Don't do this now, but here is the Flipgrid for tomorrow. (password is jacobsesp3)
    lunes, el seis de noviembre

    1. Study for quiz tomorrow. Reread the sotry and maybe look at the presentation again.
      1. It might also be a good idea do a Quizlet practice with your own vocab and/or the Quizlet Diagrams here and here.
    2. Practice and prepare for the speaking part on Wednesday.
    3. Page 12 is also due on Wednesday, but you will have time in class to do that tomorrow.

    jueves, el dos de noviembre
    1. IN CLASS: Do this EDpuzzle for part 2.
    2. AT HOME:
      1. Finish the EDpuzzle.
      2. Do page 11.
      3. Do some Quizlet practice with your vocab, this one, and/or this one.
      4. If you want to review the slideshow, click here (you must be logged in to your govwentworth account).

    miércoles, el primero de noviembre
    1. IN CLASS: Do this Edpuzzle. Make sure you login with your govwenworth account, or else I won´t know who did it and you will not get credit!
    2. AT HOME (or in class if you have  time)
      1. Finish the EDpuzzle. (I said this in class too)
      2. Look at your vocabulary list on page 2 in the packet and make a Quizlet set for your words. We will play Quizlet Live with some of your sets.

    lunes, el veintitrés de octubre
    1. Here is the review sheet for tomorrow´s test. Look it over, watch the video, do some practices and prepare your notes!
    2. Here are the proficiency examples in English (click on view samples). If you want to look at these for next week´s Tarea Semanal and relfect on them, you can do that. This will be a Tarea Semanal in English, but will be valuable as you reflect on where you are!
    viernes, el veinte de octubre
    1. IN CLASS:
      1. Look at this infografía: Una picadura que puede ser fatal
      2. Watch this PSA: El dengue y sus síntomas
    2. Here is the review sheet for next Tuesday's test. Look it over, watch the video, do some practices and start to prepare your notes!
    3. Here are the proficiency examples in English. If you want to look at these for next week´s Tarea Semanal and relfect on them, you can do that. This will be a Tarea Semanal in English, but will be valuable as you reflect on where you are!

    jueves, el diecinueve de octubre
    1. Prepare for the speaking part of the test tomorrow! Be prepared to say any of the situations.
    2. Tomorrow in class, you will be doing the infografía and PSA about el dengue. So, tonight, you should look over the information from the other infografía and PSA. There will be lots of similar vocabulary!
    3. There is no Tarea Semanal this week. If you already did it, save it for next week!
    4. Here is the review sheet for next Tuesday's test. Look it over, watch the video, do some practices and start to prepare your notes!
    5. Here are the proficiency examples in English. If you want to look at these for next week´s Tarea Semanal and relfect on them, you can do that. This will be a Tarea Semanal in English, but will be valuable as you reflect on where you are!
    miércoles, el dieciocho de octubre
    1. Memorize the last situation from page 6-7. This Quizlet will  help you study for this section. PRACTICE saying all of them. The speaking part of the test wil be on Friday.
    2. Review pages 8-13. SAY out loud all answers. 
    3. Review vocabulary from pages 14-15.
    4. Extra practice: We are going to play Quizlet Live with this set tomorrow. This will help us to focus on the pronouns and tenses. 
    martes, el diecisiete de octubre
    1. Memorize TWO situations from page 6-7. This Quizlet will  help you study for this section.
    2. Review pages 8-10. SAY out loud all answers. 
    3. Review vocabulary from pages 14-15.

    lunes, el dieciséis de octubre

    1. Finish:
      1. Do page 14 using this Infografía:  Dengue: Síntomas y Signos
      2. Do the handout using this PSA: Síntomas del Dengue
      3. Do page 15 using this PSA: Síntomas del Dengue
    2. Memorize one of the situations on page 7.

    viernes, el trece de octubre
    1. IN CLASS:
      1. Do page 14 using this Infografía:  Dengue: Síntomas y Signos
      2. Do the handout using this PSA: Síntomas del Dengue
      3. Do page 15 using this PSA: Síntomas del Dengue
      4. If you finish with those pages, work on a Tarea Semanal.

    jueves, el doce de octubre
    1. Nuggets!
    2. Tarea Semanal
    3. Study for Quiz.
    martes, el diez de octubre

    1. Due Thursday: Rewrite all of the Quizlet definitions for the Un Accidente vocabulario and draw an illustration for each word.
    2. Due Friday: The 10 nuggets for "Ya está muerto."
    3. Due Friday: Tarea Semanal
    4. Friday there will be a vocabulary quiz. I will say the definitions and you will have to write the words. There will be a word bank. There will also be a few questions about the irregular verbs in the preterite.

    jueves, el cinco de octubre
    1. AT HOME: If you haven´t already made an account, make an account for Sr. Wooly. Click here. The registration code is: 5E8H4K 
    2. IN CLASS: 
      1. Go to this Flipgrid to do the speaking part of the test. The password is jacobsesp3. If you are using your phone, the grid code is: qd1eeo0 
      2. When you have finished or while you are waiting, do the following:
        1. Make a BINGO board with the new vocabulary.
        2. Then, do this Quizlet Practice to become more familiar with the vocabulary.

    miércoles, el cuatro de octubre
    1. IN CLASS: Click here for test links for pages 3-5.
    2. AT HOME: 
      1. Memorize the speaking part of the test. You can have five words written down and as many pictures as you want. Remember: Keep it simple!!
      2. If you haven´t already made an account, make an account for Sr. Wooly. Click here. The registration code is: 5E8H4K 
        1. Alma, Flor, Juliana, Hannah, Ariana, Wyatt, Mario, Samantha and Brian - You do not have to do this because you already did. Nice job doing your homework on September 18th!! 

    martes, el tres de octubre
    1. IN CLASS: Look at this slideshow and follow the instructions.
    2. AT HOME: Study and prepare for tomorrow's test. Click here to see the test outline and what you should do to study for each part.
    3. In class tomorrow, click here for test links. I will make this available tomorrow during the test.

    lunes, el dos de octubre
    1. Make corrections on your quiz from Friday. Students may work together to do this. We will go over them tomorrow.
    2. Check your answers for pages 12-13. Click here.
    3. Watch this commercial and do pages 14-15.
    4. Start to prepare for the test, which is Wednesday! Click here to see the test outline and start to study/prepare for the test..
    5. If you finish all of this in class, work on your Tarea Semanal.

    viernes, el veintinueve de septiembre
    1. IN CLASS (finish at home if you don´t in class): Watch this video and do pages 12-13.
    2. If you finish an have time, watch Carlos Vives´ and Sebastián Yatra´s versión of Robarte un beso dedicated to Puerto Rico and México. Try to write down some of the words that they are singing. Haz clic aquí or aquí (but this is just a part of it).  Then, check here to see how many of the words you got.
    3. FOR NEXT WEEK - If you finish that, watch this video and do pages 14-15.

    jueves, el veintiocho de septiembre
    1. Tarea Semanal #3.
    2. Study for Quiz. Review preterite and imperfect notes and do these Quizlet Practice or this on.
    3. Look over your Puerto Rico notes. There will be a quiz on this information on Friday. Here is the Quizlet that we did in class today.
    4. Also, look at these pictures (I linked this late, so if  you didn´t do it, that is okay), you will have to describe some them on your test next week. Practice saying information about them.
    miércoles, el veintisiete de septiembre
    1. Review preterite and imperfect notes and do this Quizlet Practice. To prove that you did it, write down what practice you did and for how long. Also, write down what mistakes you made and what you learned.
    2. Look over your Puerto Rico notes. There will be a quiz on this information on Friday.
    3. Also, look at these pictures (I linked this late, so if  you didn´t do it, that is okay), you will have to describe some them on your test next week. Practice saying information about them.

    martes, el vientiséis de septiembre
    1. Finish pages 4-6. Here is the video.
    2. Look over your Puerto Rico notes. There will be a quiz on this information on Friday.
    3. Also, look at these pictures, you will have to describe some them on your test next week. Practice saying information about them.

    lunes, el veinticinco de septiembre

    1. Watch this video and do page 8.
    2. Ongoing: Quizlet Vocabulario y Gramática  and más (we will be going over preterite and imperfect on Wednesday).

    viernes, el veintidós de septiembre
    1. Watch one of these videos: Que hacer in caso de terremoto OR Consejos para sobrevivir un terremoto and do page 11.
    2. If you finish, look at this infografía and do page 7.
    jueves, el veintiuno de septiembre

    1. Study for the vocabulary quiz tomorrow. I will say definitions from this Quizlet Practice and you will  have to write what word it is. There will be a word bank.
    2. Do Tarea Semanal #2. Click here to see what you have to do. Please remember to watch/listen/read something authentic (not something dubbed) and something appropriate.

    miércoles, el veinte de septiembre
    1. Finsh page 4 of article.
    2. Do page 10 Infografía: En caso de sismo
    3. Watch one of these videos: Que hacer in caso de terremoto OR Consejos para sobrevivir un terremoto
    4. Do this Quizlet Practice. There will be a listening quiz on these words on Friday.
    5. Rewrite the Quizlet Defnitions and draw an image for each one. This is due Thursday.
    6. Also, see what you remember about the preterite and the imperfect. Do this Quizlet practice. 

    martes, el diecinueve de septiembre
    1. Do this Quizlet Practice. There will be a listening quiz on these words on Friday.
    2. Rewrite the Quizlet Defnitions and draw an image for each one. This is due Thursday.
    3. Also, see what you remember about the preterite and the imperfect. Do this Quizlet practice. 

    lunes, el dieciocho de septiembre
    1. Make sure you have done both FLIPGRIDS (password - jacobsesp3):
      1. Say THREE things you did this weekend and ask each of your groupmates a quesiton about what s/he said. Click here or use the app and enter code: 6bb7b3
      2. Answer the question about Robarte un beso: ¿Quién es tu pareja favorita y por qué? Click here or enter code: f601a6
    2. Create an account on Sr. Wooly. Click here. Our class code is: W4QMWZ. Write down your password!!

    viernes, el quince de septiembre
    1. There will be an evaluación (AKA TEST) on this unit on Monday. Click here to see what you will have to do.
    2. These online activities will help you to study:
      1. Quizlet: Vocabulario Importante with Spanish to English vocabulario
      2. Review the entire story in the slideshow (click here) (you will have to be logged in to you govwentworth account to view it).
      3. Review the first part of the story with this textivate.
      4. Review the entire story with this Quizlet Diagram.
      5. Do this Lyrics Training activity to review the song.
    jueves, el catorce de septiembre
    1. Do page 16. 
    2. Spend 10-15 minutes doing some of these online activities below:
      1. Review the entire story in the slideshow (click here) (you will have to be logged in to you govwentworth account to view it).
      2. Review the first part of the story with this textivate.
      3. Review the entire story with this Quizlet Diagram.
      4. Do this Lyrics Training activity to review the song.
    3. There will be an evaluación (AKA TEST) on this unit on Monday. Click here to see what you will have to do.
    4. Tarea Semanal 1 is due Friday.
    miércoles, el trece de septiembre
    1. Do page 20. If you need help, look at the slideshow below.
    2. Spend 10-15 minutes doing some of these online activities below:
      1. Review the entire story in the slideshow (click here) (you will have to be logged in to you govwentworth account to view it).
      2. Review the first part of the story with this textivate.
      3. Review the entire story with this Quizlet Diagram.
      4. Do this Lyrics Training activity to review the song.
    3. There will be an evaluación (AKA TEST) on this unit on Monday. Click here to see what you will have to do.
    4. Tarea Semanal 1 is due Friday.
    lunes, el once de septiembre
    1. IN CLASS:
      1. Go to this Flipgrid and say THREE things that did (or didn't) do this weekend. Then, listen to your classmates that are in your TABLE GROUP and ask each of them a QUESTION about what they did. If  you are in a table group of three, choose one other person to ask a question.
      2. Do this Edpuzzle, code: lezmivi
      3. If you finish that in class, do some of these:
        1. Review the first part of the story with this textivate.
        2. Review the entire story with this Quizlet Diagram.
        3. Do this Lyrics Training activity to review the song.
      1. If you didn't have time in class, finish the Edpuzzle, code: lezmivi
      2. If you didn't have time to ask your classmates a question on Flipgrid , do that.
      3. Do pages 21(match problem to solution) and 22.
      4. Do some of the online activities above to review the story.
    3. There will be an evaluación on this unit on Friday. Click here to see what you will have to do.
    4. Tarea Semanal 1 is due Friday.

    viernes, el ocho de septiembre
    1. Listen to and sing "Robarte un beso"
    2. Your first Tarea Semanal (Weekly Homework) is due NEXT FRIDAY. Click here to see what you have to do.

    jueves, el siete de septiembre
    1. Do pages 9-10.
    2. Do some of these practices to review the first part of the story: ¨Los Problemas de Amor¨ 

    miércoles, el seis de septiembre

    1. Do pages 7-8.

    martes, el cinco de septiembre
    1. Do the "Rate your proficiency" sheet. Click here to see the proficiency levels.
    Edpuzzle or if you already have an account, login and enter this code: lezmivi

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