Un accidente
Preguntas Esenciales (unit packet):
- How do I explain what happened to someone (including myself)who has had an accident and/or needs medical assistance?
- What are some of cultural products, practices, perspectives in the song “La Curandera”? How are they similar and/or different than mine?
- What are some common illnesses that people have to be aware of in Latin America?
Ay Doctor por Jesse y Joy
(Cloze y preguntas)
"I Can" statement for the unit:
- I can communicate about the my health-related cultural products, practices, and perspectives.
- I can compare and contrast my health-related cultural products, practices, and perspectives with those of other cultures.
- I can interpret stories/songs related to health-related cultural products, practices, and perspectives
- I can describe what happened if someone (including myself) has an accident and/or needed medical assistance.
- I can interpret and explain information about a common illness in some parts of Latin America from infografías and PSA.
- I can se the preterite, imperfect, reflexives verbs, and indirect object pronouns with more accuracy.
Muchisimas gracias por tu trabajo innovador! TEngo que seguir el curriculo del condado, pero esto ayuda crear motivacion para mis alumnos :)