lunes, 3 de junio de 2019

Robo en la noche

Image result for robo en la noche                Robo Novel Cover

Pregunta Esencial: How are the cultural products, practices, and perspectives related to animal conservation, food, and geography in Costa Rica  similar and/or different to mine?

martes, 14 de mayo de 2019

¿Cómo se prepara la comida?

Preguntas Esenciales (unit packet):
  • ¿Cómo es la comida de los Estados Unidos similar y/o diferente de la comida en algunos países hispanohablantes?
  • ¿Cómo se prepara la comida de otros países hispanohablantes?

domingo, 7 de abril de 2019

Desastres Naturales: Cuando la tierra inunda y tiembla

Preguntas Esenciales:
  • How do I communicate about and interpret what happened during a natural disaster?
  • What natural disasters occur in parts of the Spanish speaking world?
  • What occurs during these natural disasters?
  • How do people react during a natural disaster?
Metas (goals):
  • I can describe what happened during three major natural disasters: Hurricane María in Puerto Rico 2017 and in the 1985 and 2017 earthquakes in México City.
  • I can interpret information about what happened during three major natural disasters: Hurricane María in Puerto Rico 2017 and in the 1985 and 2017 earthquakes in México City.

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2019

Un accidente

Image result for la curandera     Image result for la curandera

Un accidente
Preguntas Esenciales (unit packet):
  • How do I explain what happened to someone (including myself)who has had an accident and/or needs medical assistance?
  • What are some of cultural products, practices, perspectives in the song “La Curandera”? How are they similar and/or different than mine?
  • What are some common illnesses that people have to be aware of in Latin America? 
Image result for ya está muerto

Ay Doctor por Jesse y Joy

(Cloze y preguntas)
"I Can" statement for the unit:
  • I can communicate about the my health-related cultural products, practices, and perspectives.
  • I can compare and contrast my health-related cultural products, practices, and perspectives with those of other cultures.
  • I can interpret stories/songs related to health-related cultural products, practices, and perspectives
  • I can describe what happened if someone (including myself) has an accident and/or needed medical assistance.
  • I can interpret and explain information about a common illness in some parts of Latin America from infografías and PSA. 
  • I can se the preterite, imperfect, reflexives verbs, and indirect object pronouns with more accuracy.